More About Us
My Business Story
MOJO-JOMO was started in 2019. In 2018 I was baking simple cupcakes and cookies as a new hobby and I was watching YouTube videos of people icing cakes to learn new techniques.
These videos kept popping up of people rolling ice cream. I became fascinated with these videos and decided to explore rolling ice cream as a business plan.
With the help of family, friends, and counseling from the Center for Women and Enterprise MOJO-JOMO opened on December 24th 2019. Since it was very very small the first year 2020 it survived.
Over the last five years we have worked very hard. We have invested in equipment to expand our menu from the original items rolled ice cream, bubble waffles and smoothies to include boba tea, making fresh boba pearls multiple times every day and brewing a variety of organic teas. Learning how to make powders, making syrups.
From that basis we have grown further serving other types of frozen desserts- milkshakes, frozen gelato, hard ice creams, and acai bowls.
We have expanded our menu over the last year to include pastries and salads. In the fall of 2024 we have added hot drinks to our menu. We hope to make more pastries and cakes this year.
We would like to start hosting tea parties for kids and adults.
Contact UsThe Team
I just want to clear something up – the young people you see working at my tea shop are not my children, none of them. I know it may seem that way since people are used to seeing small business operate that way.
They are people who come in and ask for a job, and then they consistently show up for work. Some of them are saving up for college or their first car, while others may spend their hard-earned money on candy (can you blame them?). For many of them, this is their first or second job. Some, like me, are autistic. Others might be behaving a bit oddly simply because they're teenagers and every experience is still new. Let me tell you, they are just young people who are dedicated to showing up and doing their best at work. We all spill a little milk sometimes.
People sometimes ask me about how I pay my employees. Let me assure you that they earn more than minimum wage and receive pooled tips. I take pride in never missing a payroll and ensuring that nobody has to track me down for their paycheck. In fact, as a group they actually profit more from the business than me.
One more thing, I take a lot of photos, for here on the website and social media. I don't take portraits of my employees because they are young and I want to protect their privacy <3.
If you're interested in joining our team, here's what you need to do: come down to the store in person and fill out a paper application. You can also send in your contact info, cover letter, and resume on the careers page. But here's the key – keep showing up and asking for a job, even if we're not currently hiring. You'll have a better chance of landing a position if you show persistence. Looking forward to meeting you!